Five frugal things we’ve done 06/09/19 – Lots of DIY projects such as fitting skirting boards under a bay window, fitting carpet and changing web hosts.
Five Frugal Things We’ve Done 23/08/19
Five frugal things we’ve done 23/08/19 – opening my Monzo account, maximising savings at Tesco and more.
Five Frugal Things We’ve Done 09/08/19
Five frugal things we’ve done 09/08/19 – an Ikea Detolf cabinet hack, cat litter tray improvement, homemade orange cleaner and more.
10 Tips To Reduce Home Expenses Without Compromising Comfort
While housing costs can’t be eliminated, you can cut them down without sacrificing comfort. Follow this list of tips to reduce your home expenses.
Five Frugal Things We’ve Done 26/07/19
Five frugal things we’ve done 26/07/19 – lots of bank account switching, summer holiday bargain hunting and supermarket apps are keeping us in the black.