Making homes more energy efficient through modular design
For this post, I’ve been pleased to collaborate with MTX Contracts.
Modular building has been around for some time. It’s the building of homes, offices, clinics, operating theatres, offices and more in a factory type environment.
It’s a fast way to build without compromising on quality or strength. In the modern age, with the price of energy and fuels consistently increasing, the need for homes to be snug and warm in winter, and cool and comfortable in summer has never been more needed.
Discard pre-conceived notions of draughty ‘prefabs’ and look to the future with modern building technologies with unbelievable energy efficiency.

Making the best use of the latest energy efficiency measures
In terms of research and development MTX Contracts, modular healthcare building specialists are at the forefront. Even though they produce buildings for healthcare providers including the NHS and private healthcare providers abroad, the same design and modular build principles apply to homes they create too.
And this research and development applies to principles across the entire build which is why the latest energy efficiency materials and technologies are beginning to be used in modular buildings.
The level of insulation is, until now, unheard of. And using different materials means the best insulation properties that don’t compromise the materials, their strengths nor the structure.
For example, flooring insulation can provide warmth as well as structure. Wool and wall insulation made from discarded fabrics also work really well and for the roof, foam or loose materials means that every inch is insulated. The modular build is literally wrapped in insulation, making it warm in winter and cool in summer.
Better still, the cost of heating the space is much lower too. Thus, modular homes by making the best use of energy efficiency technologies are cheaper and more comfortable.
Quality construction
The difference between prefab buildings of the post-war era and those being built today lies not only in the materials used but in the quality of the construction process.
As well taking time and having more materials and components at their disposal, modular home builders are also contributing to saving energy as they consume less of it to make the home in the first place.
Working in energy efficient factory settings, the modular home is not subject to weather conditions and that too has an impact on the strength of materials used and the construction processes used. If builders are not battling the elements, they are more able to concentrate on creating good seals and joins in the home.
There is no doubt that the quality of craftsmanship that goes into creating a modular home has a direct impact on its appeal, as well as energy efficiency.
Simple design
There is some research that suggests a property with a more complex design, that is less uniform in terms of floor levels is less likely to hold on to heat or deflect heat in the hot summer months that one that has a simple design.
The science is yet to determine why, but the footprint of a home, the design, and its location all combine to create better energy efficiency within a property. It may be down to how much a larger space is ‘sliced up’ or how or where it is located.
Location may seem like a puzzle difficult to solve but simply locating modular buildings so that they are in the full arc of the sun during the day makes a huge impact on how warm the homes are. Likewise, energy efficiency measures help to keep the building cooler in the summer.
In essence, the design of a modular home is simple and the location of the home is also part of the design process. Rather than simply building rows of houses in the ‘easiest’ place or a crescent of homes that means one or more are in shade at certain times of the day, modular home builders look to the location as a means of storing and dissipating warmth too.
Energy efficient features
In essence, within any home, to save money of heating bills you want even temperature throughout the property for as long as possible. Insulation is the main tool in combating heat loss and maintaining a cool temperature in summer.
As well as insulation, modular builders recognise that there are other tools too, from energy efficient glass windows to ‘defence coatings’ on walls and outer roofs.
And of course, using appliances that have the top energy efficiency rating contributes to the modular home being cheaper to heat.
Modern modular buildings are fantastic spaces for everyone, whether they live in them or work in a modular building. Construction is second-to-none, comfort is off-the-scale and heating bills are minimal, well worth a second look.
MTX Contracts, modular healthcare building specialists create modular, factory built clinics, laboratories, operating theatres, offices and homes and have done so for many years, and understand the need for all buildings to be super energy efficient.