How do I plan to make more money?
Making money online
What I’m going to do to make more money
The challenge
If you’ve read my income reports, you might have noticed that my regular earners – surveys, interest and cashback – aren’t on this list. That’s because they’re fairly fixed, and whilst I have plans in place to increase the amount of interest we receive, there’s not as much scope to bump those figures up as there is the possibility to explore entirely new income streams.
Now, this is a bit of a challenge for us as well as a simple list… you see, the first four are things that we’re happy with trying or have some experience with, and have just let slide a bit. Initially I added a number 5 – asking for more money at work. I was going out on a limb there as I’m sure I know what the answer will be, but hey! Stick around for that conversation if it ever happens!
Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to see how my challenge pans out, and what I’ve added or taken away from my list!