Starting avocado trees from seeds… and more fun with cuttings. Plants are fascinating, aren’t they? They can be a bit infuriating, of course, but that’s more my fault for killing them off than theirs. I love growing things, but I haven’t done much since I moved to a gardenless flat […]
Ombré Staircase – Work In Progress
Work in progress report for my ombré stairs – Ever spent any time on Pinterest? I hadn’t, until a few months ago. I didn’t get it at first, but when I realised I’d be getting my hands on my own house, I started compiling ideas for decorating and gardening, as […]
We Bought A House! – Three Things To Look For When Buying A House
In 2015 we bought a house – here are three things to look for when buying a house, that helped us to make our first homebuying decision.