The £1 coin is changing on March 28th, 2017. But… you don’t need to panic. Here’s (almost) everything you need to know about the brand new £1 coin! Why do we need a new £1 coin? We can blame counterfeiters for this – the current pound coin is susceptible […]
What To Do When Someone Puts £100,000 In Your Bank Account
Have you ever received a payment in error? What should you do if unexpected money turns up in your bank account? Ok, the chances of someone putting £100,000 in your bank account are very, very slim… but this really did happen to me! It was September 16th, 2014, and […]
Book Review: It Is Only Money, And It Grows On Trees!
I’ve reviewed ‘It Is Only Money, And It Grows On Trees’ by Cara MacMillan. Read on to see how this interesting book delivers lessons on personal finance.
The Base Rate And Me
Why A Day Job Can Be Great For Artists And Creatives
Can a day job be a good thing for artists, musicians and creatives? Or is it simply a distraction? So often, young people who hope to carve out creative careers for themselves are told, “you can’t make money from that”. Well, that’s plain wrong. There are people out there, plenty of […]