Is personal finance too much hassle? Most of the time, it’s not that personal finance, budgeting and/or doing a little sideline online is actually too difficult for us – it’s just that we can’t be bothered. It’s this inertia that financial and insurance companies thrive on, and it’s this inertia […]
The Sad Case of Doig and Doige
Hoping to strike gold by stumbling across a masterpiece in the attic or at next Sunday’s car boot fair? You wouldn’t be alone. It’s a natural consequence of the stratospheric prices attached to works of art that buyers, collectors and viewers might as well be looking at a framed wad of […]
Make More Money! Part 4: Selling Unwanted Items
Make more money by selling unwanted items. When I wrote my list of things to try to make more money, I knew that this would be one of the hardest for me. Why? Honestly, I don’t really know; I’ve furnished my entire life through eBay for the last two […]
Make Money! Part 3: Bank Incentives
Make money from switching bank accounts! If you want to know how to set up direct debits to meet account conditions and fund your accounts, read this.
Make More Money! Part 2: Selling Your Artwork
Make more money by selling your artwork: Number 2 on my potential income list could be the longest post ever! This topic is huge and compressing into one post won’t truly do it justice, as there are so many ways to make a living (or even just a bit of extra money) […]