Signs of… Slugs

A carnation growing from a cutting.

I’ll be honest: my garden plans have resulted in failure. Not quite all-out, unmitigated failure, but still, not success. I think every blogger wants to paint a perfect picture of life behind the screen, but hey –  that’s not me. I mean, I would love for it all to work out perfectly and […]

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Extra Income Report – July 2016

Here's our extra income report for July 2016. Click on the picture to read about our income streams and what we did to make a bit more money in July.

Our extra income for July 2016 – July was a month for recuperating – after the upheaval of the DIY and houseguests, we got back into the swing of saving and back into our regular routines. Unfortunately, I became so busy with blogging and making artwork that some things did slip, […]

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